Significant Investor Visa (SIV) funds

The SIV program is an initiative by the Australian Government to provide a boost to the Australian economy and an opportunity for high net worth investors looking to migrate to Australia. The visa conditions require a minimum investment of AU$5million into complying investments for a minimum of four years before being eligible to apply for a permanent visa. Please note that this information is only relevant to people that have submitted their SIV applications post 1 July 2015. The following funds satisfy the eligibility requirements and qualify as complying investments according to the SIV Complying Investment Framework, developed by Austrade.

SIV Compliant Investment Fund APIR Code SIV Complying Investment Framework post 1 July 2015
SGH High Conviction Fund ETL0042AU 2c. SIV: Balancing Investment Australian shares
SGH Emerging Companies Fund ETL0118AU SIV: Emerging companies investments
SGH Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund (previously abrdn EX-20 Australian Equities Fund) CRS0003AU 2c. SIV: Balancing Investment Australian shares

Investors applying under the SIV program will need to prove that the funds they are investing in are compliant by submitting a signed Declaration Form 1413D as part of their application. For more information and to request a copy of the relevant declaration form, please contact the SGH Funds Distribution team:

P: 1300 555 511  or +61 3 9612 4600

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