SGH Individual Portfolios

Actively managed investments tailored to your requirements

The SGH Individual Portfolios service provides a comprehensive discretionary portfolio management service that allows investors to tailor an investment portfolio to their individual needs.

The service is available to wholesale clients and is suitable for individuals, self-managed superannuation funds, family offices, trusts, companies and not-for-profits/charitable organisations. Clients delegate their investment decisions and implementation of their chosen investment strategy to us whilst retaining beneficial ownership of their investments.

This service offers significant benefits, including:

Individual Accounts


SGH Individual Portfolios is always aware that it is your strategy and your portfolio.  We listen to what you require from your investments to satisfy your goals and build individual portfolios to match your particular circumstances.

Family Office


SGH Individual Portfolios has experience working with a number of Family Offices. We listen to the requirements of the Family Office to satisfy the overall investment goals.

Charitable Organisations


SGH Individual Portfolios has significant experience in the sector, not only in the particular investment needs of the clients but also in the Governance of such organisations.

We have worked with organisations that provide, Education, Employment, Health & Research, Aged Care, Faith and Social based activities.

Tim Gough – Senior Portfolio Manager discussing SGH Individual Portfolios


If you would like further information about the SGH Individual Portfolios service, please contact:

David Doolan or Fiona Hilbert 
T  03 9981 3300

If you are an existing client and would like to make changes to your account, please contact:

Client Service Team
T  03 9981 3300

The History of SGH Individual Portfolios

SGH Individual Portfolios was established in May 2023 combining the SGH Private Client Portfolio business with DMP Asset Management.

Whilst the name of the business unit has changed, the specialist, discretionary portfolio management that DMP has offered its clients since 1991 will continue to be delivered without any disruption conducted by the same trusted team, with enhanced research capability and investment performance underpinned by the strength of the broader SGH Group.

In March 2019, DMP merged with SG Hiscock & Company.

DMP Asset Management (DMP) and its predecessor firms was established in 1991 before a management buyout in 2010 lead to the formation of the DMP brand.

SGH was established in 2001 by six principals and is fully owned by staff.

SGH Individual Portfolios Team