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ICE Fund

An actively managed unique Australian equity fund that aims to invest in ASX listed franchise companies with a sustainable competitive edge. It is expected that companies with these characteristics will grow profits (and share prices) at a superior rate over the medium to long term than the average company listed on the ASX.

Before making a decision about whether to make an investment in the Fund, please read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD) and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)(including all incorporated information) to ensure the features of the Fund as described in the TMD and PDS aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs.

Monthly Fact Sheet
How to invest

Roger Walling – December 2024 Quarterly Fund Update
Click here to read the full transcript

ICE Fund

An actively managed unique Australian equity fund that aims to invest in ASX listed franchise companies with a sustainable competitive edge. It is expected that companies with these characteristics will grow profits (and share prices) at a superior rate over the medium to long term than the average company listed on the ASX.

Before making a decision about whether to make an investment in the Fund, please read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD) and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)(including all incorporated information) to ensure the features of the Fund as described in the TMD and PDS aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs.

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At a Glance

APIR code ETL0062AU mFund code SHF02 Minimum investment $20,000 Management cost 1.18% Distributions per annum 2 Commencement date 13/02/2006 Asset class Equity Benchmark Benchmark Unaware
Investment objective Aims to deliver superior medium to long term returns by investing in listed companies which possess a sustainable competitive edge. Companies can create that by owning/operating assets that are difficult to replicate. The Investment Manager believes that key intangible assets (such as Brands, Licenses, Patents, Logistical capability, a Captive client base) are the most difficult to replicate and that these key assets enable companies to entrench their products/services in the marketplace. Annual report Download
Please refer to the current PDS, reference guide and TMD for further details including any additional fees that may be applicable.

Investment strategy

This fund aims to invest in companies which have a sustainable competitive advantage, which we classify as business franchises. Business franchises are defined to arise when companies:

  1. Possess assets that are difficult to replicate (eg licenses, brands, captive client base)
  2. Have an entrenched customer base which finds it difficult or inconvenient to switch to a competitor.

The core belief driving ICE Fund is that franchise companies which possess a sustainable competitive advantage will grow profits (and share prices) at a superior rate over the medium to long-term. Stock selection is undertaken through a rigorous process by the team. The ICE portfolio construction approach looks to deliver a highly diversified portfolio by industry that focus on companies with more resilient earnings streams that are typically less affected by the economic cycle.

ICE Investors has been appointed under a sub-investment agreement with SGH to undertake the portfolio management of the ICE Fund.

Investment parameters

ICE Fund is a benchmark unaware strategy that has a large investible universe of stocks in Australia and New Zealand. Based on the Ice Fund criteria (the franchise concept), several sectors are excluded from the fund’s investible universe, including resources, typical listed property trusts, and basic manufacturers.

The fund contains typically between 30 – 50 stocks that are highly diversified by industry. Over time, it is expected that the ICE Fund will be predominately invested in stocks outside the ASX100 companies because this is where the best medium to long-term opportunities typically arise. However, the Fund can also invest in some large companies (i.e. within the ASX100) that meet the investment criteria and which ICE Investors assess as having a strong business franchise and sound long-term prospects. The fund has a maximum allocation to cash of up to 50% though it is expected to be at the lower end of this range.

Performance as at 31 January 2025. Powered by data from Financial Express. For funds with less than 5 yrs performance history, refer to fact sheet for since inception returns.


Performance 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y Entry Nav Exit Date History
Fund Name 3.21% 5.96% 6.04% 18.78% 3.71% 7.19% 7.48% 8.59% $2.3541 $2.3471 $2.3401 06/02/2025

How to invest

1. Download and read PDS, reference guide and PDS Download
Target Market Determination (TMD). TMD Download
2. Complete application form Reference guide Download
3. Send application form to Apex Fund Services Unit Registry Application form Download


Existing SGH investor with Apex investor number:

  1. Download and read PDS, reference guide and Target Market Determination (TMD).
  2. Complete additional investment form and send to Apex Fund Services Unit Registry.
  3. If using BPAY® no form is required. BPAY® Biller Code is 349738. You will need your Customer Reference Number (CRN) which you received from Apex Fund Services.

Please contact Apex Fund Services at 1300 133 451 if you require assistance.

Not an existing SGH investor:

  1. Download and read PDS, reference guide and Target Market Determination (TMD).
  2. Submit application form online.


  1. Download and read PDS, reference guide and Target Market Determination (TMD).
  2. Complete an application form and send to Apex Fund Services Unit Registry.


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